Business Plan. The numbers are worth a thousand words.

Get Saygin Yalcin's "Startup Hero Masterclass" video series, incl. Certificate

Over 5 hours of video material

packed with exclusive business tips

✔️ Transform your mindset from a mere idea to the reality of a successful business.

✔️ Identify how to start a company without having any money.

✔️ Learn how to traverse the darkest times of your life, alone and without support.

✔️ Understand the 6 success factors all accomplished entrepreneurs share.

✔️ Uncover how to build a business plan, prepare your deck, find backers, and convince investors to contribute millions of dollars to your company.

Buy the "Startup Hero Masterclass" today and discover how Saygin Yalcin's company made 1.1 million U.S. dollars in its first 8 weeks of operations.

This course will teach you how one man's concept developed into the most successful e-commerce company in the Middle East and eventually became part of the "biggest-ever technology acquisition in the Arab world" - worth several hundred million dollars.

Astonishingly successful humans are not the chosen few. They are people, who chose to make the best investment ever. Discover what that investment is and adopt the ultimate entrepreneurial spirit:
No limit. No need. All in.

“Building businesses is a craft like carpentry. If you know how to build, it doesn’t matter if the product is a table or a chair.”


We all start somewhere. See, how Saygin started from humble beginnings.

Have a seat.
Have a seat. We need to talk.

If you think you cannot handle change, then I suggest you stop watching this course here.

Entrepreneurial Spirit
Entrepreneurial Spirit

Discover the 6 success factors all accomplished entrepreneurs share.


The start of your empire. Finding and evaluating your business idea.

Business Plan
Business Plan

The numbers worth a thousand words. Let's prepare our deck.


The best skill is character. How to build a winning team.


The fuel for growth. From bicycles to jets. Persuade investors to give you millions of dollars.

Business Operations
Business Operations

Let's go. Turn your business into an empire.


Find out the real meaning of success.

Your tutor:

Saygin Yalcin

Saygin Yalcin is titled as one of the most influential young people in business and presented at the World Government Summit as an inspirational story of the UAE. He is founder and CEO of and was founder and president of and partner at, before it was acquired by Amazon in its largest acquisition outside the United States at that time. As a serial entrepreneur of numerous multinational companies and mega social media influencer, Saygin regularly shares his knowledge and lifestyle as a speaker and public figure.

This Masterclass is the video version of Saygin Yalcin's book

My children will be born rich.

This is what I will teach them.

How to win in capitalism and morality

Available on Amazon